career history

profile » career history

This is a list of enterprises within which I have been employed, with the more recent first:

EEA consulting 2010 - current

Founded in 2010 when I moved to Spain. Design & manufacture of large cell lithium ion BMS's, design of power conversion & management systems, both commercial & military. Technical consultant for product & system design and for compliance issues. Design of network cards for sub-sea data harvesting.

Antares (Europe) Ltd 1992-2010

Founder & Technical Director - Acquired private venture funding. Designed & manufactured AC & DC power systems for remote & vehicle based applications; commercial & military. Won DTI S.M.A.R.T. award for innovation. Patent for wind turbine maximum power point tracker. Left in 2010 to move to Spain.

Aelex PCS & Aelex International Ltd

Founder & Technical Director - Acquired venture funding from the City, designed & manufactured uninterruptible power supplies, battery chargers, DC-AC inverters.

Epsilon International Ltd

Founder & Technical Director - UPS patent, sought venture funding. Designed & manufactured a range of compact DC-AC inverters for the consumer market, 150watts to 2kW. Also consultant to telecommunications company.

Power Equipment Ltd

Technical Director - engaged to resolve product technical problems (Uninterruptible Power Supplies). 

BICC group companies:

Vero Electronics, Citec, Boschert: Systems engineering manager, customer support; power supplies & thick film hybrids.

ITT (International Telephone & Telegraph) group companies:

ITT Creed, STC Telecommunications, SEL (Standard Elektric Lorenz - W. Germany). Designer & design group manager for telecommunications equipment; data terminals, telephony, facsimile.